- The Single Action Shooting Society - The Home of Cowboy Action Shooting -

Territorial Governors

A SASS® Territorial Governor (TG) is an elected or appointed official representative of a SASS® Affiliated Club(s).

The Role of a Territorial Governor

The primary role of the TG is communication.  The TG serves as a direct line of communication between the club(s) he/she represents and SASS, being responsible for the dissemination of information regarding all clarifications and implementation of rule changes.  The TG sets the gold standard within the clubs he/she represents, and aids in the education, implementation, and enforcement of all SASS rules at the club level.  The TG must be active, engaged, and up to date on all rules and safety covenants within the SASS Shooters Handbook.  The TG also serves as a direct line for SASS to keep a pulse on the satisfaction of affiliated clubs and the membership.  The TG represents his/her club(s)’ best interests to SASS and has voting privileges at the TG Summit on his/her clubs’ behalf. 

Territorial Governor Qualifications

To qualify for appointment or election as a TG, the following criteria must be met, and must be maintained for each term served. 

-        SASS member in good standing for a minimum of three years

-        Belong to at least one SASS Affiliated Club

-        RO–I & RO–II Certified for CAS TG or Wild Bunch RO Certified for WB TG (and current)

-        Must have attended at least one SASS Sanctioned match event

-        Committed to serving the interests of his/her club consistent with the promulgation and preservation of Cowboy Action Shooting™/ Wild Bunch Action Shooting™ and the “Spirit of the Game.” 

Expectations of a Territorial Governor

SASS expects the following from all TGs:

-        Represent and support SASS, its philosophy, and its purpose to club members

-        Gather comments, criticisms, needs, suggestions, and proposed rule changes to communicate directly to the ROC and/or the SASS Board of Directors.

-        To act as ambassadors of SASS and the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™/ Wild Bunch Action Shooting™, communicating the Cowboy Action Shooting™/ Wild Bunch Action Shooting™ story locally and regionally to further the growth of SASS and the sport

-        Attend TG Summits to represent his/her club and vote on proposed rule changes and other issues tabled by the Board of Directors

-        Remain active within the sport

-        Support and participate in SASS Sanctioned matches, attend and actively participate in the TG meetings held at Regional, National, International, and World Championship Events.

-        Network, support, and actively communicate with Regional Chief ROs, fellow TGs, the ROC, and SASS.

-        Maintain and actively monitor an email address adequate for primary communication between SASS and the TG.

-        Actively monitor and participate in the TG section of the SASS Wire Forum.

Term of Service

TG’s term of office is for 12 months from the time of appointment.  SASS does not impose a limit to the number of terms served. SASS reserves the right to deny and/or revoke any TG appointment at any time within the certification period due to failure to adhere to the guidelines of the program, inadequacy, inactivity, poor attitude, or any conduct not conducive to the mission of the program. 



Territorial Governor Agendas

CAS TG Agenda 2025 - Coming Soon

WB TG Agenda 2025

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