- The Single Action Shooting Society - The Home of Cowboy Action Shooting -


Mission Focus and Purpose

The Single Action Shooting Society® (SASS) is a membership organization created in 1987 to preserve and promote the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™. SASS® serves as the governing and sanctioning body for the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™ and is diligent in ensuring safety and consistency in the sport worldwide. The purpose of this document is to outline and define the roles, duties, and processes associated with the Single Action Shooting Society’s Range Operations and Safety Education Program. Each section will evaluate an important area of the Range Operations & Safety program – Range Operations Safety Course Program, Range Operations Safety Course Instructor Program, Regional Chief Range Officers (ROs), The Territorial Governor (TG) Program, and the Range Operations Committee (ROC).

Range Operations Safety Course Program

In SASS, everyone is considered a safety officer and is encouraged to assist in the enforcement and strict adherence to all safety rules. SASS certified safety courses are essential to the education and safety of those participating in the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™ at all levels of competition. It is suggested all competitors attend at minimum the level one course to ensure the understanding of all SASS safety covenants and basic rules of the game. SASS makes every effort to ensure active SASS Certified course instructors are available in all regions of the US and internationally.

SASS Certified Instructor Program

The training and education of competent range officers and safe competitors is the first line of defense in keeping the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™ a safe environment for everyone to enjoy. The success of the SASS Range Operations Safety Course program is only as good as the instructors that deliver the courses. As such, a thorough application and screening process is in place to ensure only the highest quality instructors become SASS certified instructors. SASS RO Instructors demonstrate an unparalleled dedication and commitment to the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™ and to the Single Action Shooting Society®.
Instructor Role

Regional Chief RO

A SASS Regional Chief RO Instructor will be recruited and appointed from within the Certified Instructor pool for each of the SASS Regional areas. The Regional Chief RO’s primary role, aside from continuing to actively teach courses and comply with the RO Instructor expectations, will serve as a mentor and a resource for all RO Instructors in their designated region.
Regional Chief ROs are appointed with no term limit, however, SASS reserves the right to revoke the Chief RO title at anytime due to failure to adhere to the guidelines of the program, inadequacy, inactivity, poor attitude, or any conduct not conducive to the mission of the program.

Range Operations Committee (ROC)

The SASS Range Operations Committee, also known as the ROC, was created to strengthen the lines of communication and to aid in the dissemination of information between SASS and SASS members worldwide. The ROC’s primary mission is to support SASS as an organization, its members, and affiliated clubs through education and clarifications of the SASS Shooters Handbook, simultaneously maintaining and preserving the integrity and spirit of the game of Cowboy Action Shooting™, while encouraging and guiding its growth and evolution to ensure the success and viability of SASS and the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™ for the future.

The ROC is a volunteer consultant board within SASS. ROC members are selected and appointed by the SASS Board of Directors to work with and under the direct supervision and authorization of the board. The ROC shall be comprised of a diverse makeup of knowledgeable and driven SASS members active in the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™ who have demonstrated an unparalleled commitment and dedication to the organization and to the viability of the sport. Individual members of the ROC may be designated to respond to individual or general questions of the TGs and the membership. The committee shall always be allotted a minimum of three members, with a maximum of seven members, to include a designated committee chairperson, who shall be selected by the Board of Directors annually. If, at any given time, the number of ROC members is an even number, the ROC Chair shall only vote on issues in the event of a tie. Statements of policy or position by individual members of the committee shall not be taken as the position of the ROC or SASS without a vote of the ROC and ratification by SASS.
A designated SASS liaison shall be present and included in all ROC business and will serve as the line of communication between the ROC and the Board.

ROC members are appointed with no term limit, however, SASS reserves the right to remove any member of the committee at any time due to failure to adhere to the guidelines, inadequacy, inactivity, poor attitude, or any conduct not conducive to the mission or in the best interest of SASS.

ROC members make a commitment to actively engage and interact with the SASS Territorial Governors, affiliated clubs, and SASS membership to assist the organization in identifying opportunities for improving processes, overall growth, and increased safety education. ROC members maintain an active role in the organization and in the sport, participating in competitions, attending meetings, helping as match officials, and serving as a liaison between the membership and the Board of Directors on matters pertaining to the rules, standards, and safety covenants of the sport.
The ROC is not charged with the construct of more rules, but rather to support the evolution of the game and foster better enforcement of the rules and safety covenants as evenly as possible throughout the organization.
ROC Roles:
- Be available to communicate with SASS members for the receipt and discussion of ideas, concerns, proposed improvements, and various changes or clarifications of the SASS competition rules contained in the Shooters Handbook. Such communications can include the SASS Wire Forums, various social media outlets, direct contact (phone/email), and at matches or events
- Clarify existing rules and equipment questions
- Complete an annual review of the rules and suggest edits as needed
- Actively participate in the SASS Sanctioned match program – attend matches/events, volunteer as a match official, be present to represent SASS and the RO Committee, and to be a resource for members and match coordinators
- Review and provide timely feedback on Equipment Modification applications received and distributed to the ROC by SASS HQ
- Serve as the ultimate resource for all Chief RO Instructors and all RO Instructors in the program
- Oversee and/or assist in Instructor candidates’ applications, supervise required courses when possible, and provide feedback on the candidates’ performance and application for SASS’ consideration
- Serve as the first line of defense for SASS regarding new or changing rules, equipment, external modifications, and procedures in the conduct of SASS sanctioned matches
- A member of the ROC should not hold any additional roles during their tenure (e.g., a ROC member cannot also be the Chief RO for a region).

Territorial Governors Meetings & Summit

TG Meetings

ROC members will meet at the Regional, National, International, and World Championship matches as often as practical to attend TG meetings held at those events, and to hold their own committee meetings. The ROC, having maintained their “finger on the pulse” of the membership and the sport itself, should prepare an agenda and be poised to execute the TG meeting to educate and address concerns of the TGs and support enforcement of the rules. The information garnered from attending the TG meetings shall be brought to the Committee, so a formal recommendation can be made to SASS regarding possible resolutions. Once a formal resolution is produced, the ROC will then actively communicate it to the TGs. Issues that require more than a clarification, such as proposed rule changes, if they have merit, will be tabled for a TG Summit/Vote with SASS approval.

TG Summit

When the environment warrants a TG Summit/Vote, the ROC will play a crucial role in the execution of the Summit itself. The committee is charged with preparing and supporting an agenda for the Summit of those issues and concerns that need to be addressed or voted upon by the TGs. TG Summit rules apply when considering potential changes to the SASS Shooters Handbook. The committee shall not propose or promote an agenda item to the TGs unless instructed to do so by SASS. The committee is authorized to clarify existing rules and equipment questions prior to a TG Summit.


Equipment Modification Applications/Process


Occasionally, SASS receives a request for consideration from either a member, manufacturer, or vendor to approve a modification to an existing part or firearm, or for a new part or firearm to be deemed officially as “SASS Legal.” The formal application process is as follows:
- The inquirer/requestor shall complete and submit the official modification application for consideration 
- SASS HQ will distribute the application for consideration to the ROC for evaluation and feedback. Each ROC member shall reply and communicate effectively regarding the application and respond with a formal vote. The discussion regarding the application is among the ROC members. Once a consensus is achieved, the Committee Chair or ROC designate will communicate the vote and supporting comments to SASS HQ
- SASS HQ will formulate the response to the original applicant surrounding the decision and communicate directly with the applicant.

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