- The Single Action Shooting Society - The Home of Cowboy Action Shooting -
Jan 1, 2024
Posted by: SASSAdmin

SASS Wild Bunch Action Shooting Evolves in 2024!

A new year means a new beginning in many areas of our lives - and in the SASS world, 2024 will usher in an evolution of the sport of Wild Bunch Action Shooting®(WBAS™).

Wild Bunch Action Shooting is typified by the use of a 1911 semi-autoloading pistol along with pistol caliber lever action or pump rifle of that period, and shotgun. The game provides competitive exploits that pay homage to the turn of the century soldiers and cowboys who now have the “new and improved” single action, the 1911.

WBAS has enjoyed a number of passionate enthusiasts since its inception; first as a popular side match at Cowboy Action Shooting® (CAS®) matches, then as WBAS evolved into a standalone shooting discipline under the SASS Shooting Sports umbrella by 2009. Unlike CAS, however, WBAS had its own separate committee, subgroups, and leadership; exempt from standard SASS governance protocol, the Territorial Governor program.

For over a decade, WBAS has been primarily constructed for a customer base outside of the current SASS membership and active Cowboy Action Shooters. When the rules and guidelines were promulgated, decisions were made to exclude certain CAS legal firearms and calibers in an attempt to separate WBAS from CAS as much as possible with the vision that the sport would be more appealing and garner interest from competitors from the other action shooting disciplines  (IPSC, IDPA, etc.)… leaving previous SASS/CAS competitors the choice of either buying new firearms to keep playing- or stop shooting Wild Bunch. While some did comply with the new firearm requirements, most walked away, and the overall participation numbers reflect that choice.

SASS is a business, an international membership organization formed in 1987 with the mission to preserve and promote the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™. SASS and CAS ultimately gave birth to Wild Bunch Action Shooting- and as such, now includes WBAS in its mission.  SASS works diligently to evaluate and identify trends in the organization, identify opportunities for membership growth and improved member retention strategies, and outline clear objectives and action plans that will directly lead to the continued growth, development, and sustainability of the SASS membership program.

The dedication and contributions of the early WBAS leadership, its ROC, its prior ambassadors, competitors, and early visionaries are not to be discounted in any way by these changes. Their commitment to promoting WBAS was beyond admirable. The changes are intended to increase participation, make the sport more appealing to our existing customer base, and foster growth.

Change is difficult for most of us and while we all know the saying, “its not personal, its business”, in SASS our members are at the heart of everything we do and every decision we make. It is personal- not just for our members, but for all of us. We strive to have the insight to think deeply about our members’ needs, aspirations, interests, and vulnerabilities to ensure a richer and more enduring relationship built on respect. A thorough analysis is the foundation of a successful plan to assist in the identification and development of potential new markets, to keep tabs on marketing trends and develop strategies to stay ahead of changing market conditions, to ensure optimal program development, and to improve and the overall experience and enhance value for our members.

Periodically, every aspect of SASS – as a business- undergoes a thorough analysis. We examine and evaluate demands and identify solutions to potential challenges. In late 2022 and early 2023, it was WBAS’ turn. After over a decade, the sport had become stagnant in terms of growth and overall participation. A complete 10-year analysis was performed, as well as a contracted SWOT analysis. The results painted a clear picture that it was time for something to change in order to increase participation in the sport.

“Study the past if you would define the future.” -Confucius

SASS had many early converts from Action Shooting disciplines (IPSC, IDPA, etc.) to Cowboy Action Shooting.  The purpose of WBAS should be to introduce and attract as many shooters as possible to the game- and into SASS. The question was (and is) “From where will SASS draw its WBAS competitors?” The two obvious choices are from within the current ranks of SASS members and Cowboy Action Shooting competitors. The vast majority of our present WBAS members originated from the current ranks as Wild Bunch Action Shooting evolved from a fun and popular side match held at Cowboy Action Shooting matches- growing into its own shooting discipline under the SASS umbrella. Or, from the “outside world” of present day “action shooting” competitors (e.g., IPSC, IDPA, etc.). For over a decade, the latter have been courted to join by way of modeling the sports framework and philosophy in a way that was thought to be appealing to the non-SASS shooters. This focus, however, has not been successful.

Wild Bunch Action Shooting is a SASS product. As with any product in any business, it is imperative to conduct periodic evaluations of your products to gauge the level of their popularity, growth, and sustainability. Just as you wouldn’t keep a product that no one wanted to buy stocked on your shelves in a retail store just because you love it just the way it is, SASS is tasked with a similar situation concerning WBAS. If a product doesn’t sell well– and you believe in the product- you must attempt to alter the product to make it more attractive to customers. The only alternative is to stop carrying the product completely. SASS believes that WBAS adds value to its family, its members- and ultimately, to the whole of the shooting sports industry.

Effective January 2024, Wild Bunch Action Shooting will move under the purview of SASS and be managed within the existing governing structure- just as CAS has been for decades. SASS will provide the structure and guidelines that have proven successful in Cowboy Action Shooting for over 40 years. It is paramount that Wild Bunch Action Shooting become a “game of the people”. The shooters’ voices need to be heard through their clubs by using the Territorial Governor (TG) program to represent their interests with SASS and for further evolution of the sport. Key leadership groups will include the Territorial Governors, a Wild Bunch RO Committee and Regional Chief ROs. Every SASS affiliated club with an active WBAS program will elect a Wild Bunch Territorial Governor. Criteria and qualifications for TGs can be found on our website or by contacting us at SASS Headquarters.

In addition to governance protocol, a thorough review of current practices in the game itself has been conducted to address the lack of growth and dismal participation in the period analyzed. The idea of standardizing and encouraging a high difficulty level through high caliber, limited firearm requirements, high power factor, more difficult targets/placement, and high round counts not only alienated our CAS market but has also made zero impact on making the sport- or joining SASS- appealing to new “outside” shooters/members.

Firearms While there are no changes to the firearm requirements in relation to the handgun (the 1911), the exclusion of the .38 caliber rifle during the construct of a formal, codified set of rules for WBAS eliminated and excluded the established, existing customer base of current CAS shooters and SASS members. The inclusion of any SASS legal rifle in .38 caliber will now be added to the approved firearms list for WBAS. Just as with rifles, several CAS legal shotguns that had been previously excluded will now be allowed in WBAS. These include the 87 and the double barrel. These firearm allowances potentially get more participation in the sport by allowing current SASS members and CAS shooters the ability to utilize the long guns (and ammunition!) they already own.

Categories At any SASS Sanctioned championship event, there will be no changes to the existing categories of Modern and Traditional. They can, at the Match Directors discretion, be broken out into Ladies and Senior categories as well. Teddy Roosevelt & Doughboy will be added to the SASS recognized main match categories for Wild Bunch Action Shooting at any SASS sanctioned match. The parameters for Teddy Roosevelt and Doughboy are already in place. Junior categories may also be offered at the Match Directors discretion.

At the local level, SASS affiliated clubs will have the opportunity to offer a WBAS program with the inclusion of a SASS recognized Open Category. The parameters for the Open category are outlined in the WBAS Shooters Handbook and RO guide for reference and allows any single stack 1911 (No PF), any SASS legal rifle in .32 caliber or larger, and any SASS legal shotgun. The addition of a SASS-endorsed Open Class for WBAS at the local level will encourage clubs to begin offering a WBAS program in their area, and bring those clubs who already are (known in some areas as “Mild Bunch”) into SASS compliance while offering them a tremendous resource of support and guidance for the Open class. The Open category will not be offered at any WBAS competition within the SASS Sanctioned Championship program.

The Shooting It is important to remember that Wild Bunch Action Shooting is an action shooting sport that promotes speed, action, and accuracy. It is not a bullseye competition. WBAS Match Directors have the discretion and should ensure that targets and sequences are appropriate for all competitors. Making target placement and shooting sequences too difficult will keep the shooters from coming back. “Clean” shooters are happy shooters. Happy shooters come back. SASS has adjusted the recommended target placement, size, and round counts. While higher round counts at WBAS matches are expected (those 1911 mag changes are just plain FUN!) round counts should not be to the point of deterring shooters from enjoying the sport- either by reason of physical limitations or the cost of ammunition in today’s economy. Refer to the January 2024 version of the WBAS Shooters Handbook for details.

What happens now? Any additional evolution of the sport of WBAS beyond these initial changes will occur organically – from the shooters who play the game and the clubs who work to present the programs and matches- via their Territorial Governors rallying for change.

Club support & resources are always available by reaching out to us at SASS headquarters. Our team at SASS will work to provide all SASS affiliated clubs with the support and resources needed to present a thriving CAS and WBAS experience for our shared members. It is important every club elects a Territorial Governor to ensure their club is represented in the sport of WBAS. We encourage you to engage in open dialogue and consider taking an active role in shaping the future of the sport.

Misty Moonshine, SASS Patron #83232


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